
Get creative with Traveline Cymru’s ‘Family Fun Activity Pack’!

Get creative with Traveline Cymru’s ‘Family Fun Activity Pack’!

20 April 2020

A wordsearch, colouring in, scavenger hunt, rocky road recipe and some of our favourite resources for your little ones to try their hands at over the coming weeks.

Alongside continuing to deliver public transport information for essential journeys across Wales, the Traveline Cymru team have been thinking about how else we can support our customers, stakeholders and friends during these challenging times.

This ‘Family Fun Activity Pack’ is full of activities for your little ones to have a go at themselves, as well as activities that the whole family can get involved in. We have also compiled a list of learning and activity resources to help support you and your family over the coming weeks as we all try to navigate this ‘new normal’.

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s inside:

  • Wordsearch
  • Colour in the Train
  • Rocky Road Recipe
  • Traveline Scavenger Hunt
  • Colour in the Bus
  • Word Jumble
  • Resources for Parents and Carers

It’s simple. All you have to do is download the colour or black and white copy of the activity pack below, print it and let the fun begin!

Download a Colour Copy of Traveline Cymru’s ‘Family Fun Activity Pack’ here.


Download a Black and White Copy of Traveline Cymru’s ‘Family Fun Activity Pack’ here.


We would love for you to share updates and pictures of how you and your family are getting on with our activity pack on social media. You can tag us in your pictures on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @TravelineCymru 

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