Journey Planner Results
Short notice timetables changes will be added to our ‘Short Notice Service Updates’ disruption page instead of our Coronavirus page. Please check before you travel.
We’re sorry, no journeys were found for your selection. Please try the following options:
Amend the time of your journey.
The time you have selected may be too early or late in the day for services to be available. Try selecting a time earlier or later in the day.
Please note that journeys can only be planned 2 months in advance.
Increase the number of changes to ‘unlimited’
Please note that your journey may require multiple changes.
If you have ‘Train Only’ or ‘Bus Only’ selected, change to ‘All Modes’ for multi-service journeys.
Connecting services
You may not see journey results where there is more than 2 hours between connecting services. This is designed to stop people getting stranded in bus and train stations overnight. This also applies for connections that have less than 5 minutes interchange time.
Journeys outside of Wales
Please note bus journeys will not show for further than 30km outside of Wales – for journeys outside of Wales, please visit Traveline UK here to plan your journey.
Locality not found
Unfortunately, the locality you entered may not be found. Please email us at to request that your locality be added.
Using a postcode?
Please be aware that using a postcode as your origin or destination may not always bring up a service. Try entering a nearby location as an alternative.
Still no results?
Unfortunately, there may not be a public transport route available for your selection. However, please see the below schemes that could help you make your journey.
Community Transport Association
The Community Transport Association offer a safe, accessible, cost-effective and flexible form of transport, run by the community for the community. Please click here to find out more information.
Transport for Wales fflecsi Buses
Fflecsi buses offer an alternative way to travel. A bus picks you up and drops you off at at your request, changing its route so that all passengers can get to where they need to go. Fflecsi buses currently operate in the Conwy Valley, Pembrokeshire, Newport, Cardiff North, Rhondda, Prestatyn and Denbigh areas. For more information and to book your trip, visit the fflecsi website.
Park & Ride
Park & Ride services are an easy and convenient way of getting around without having to worry about driving or parking in the town centre. Please see here for more information on Park & Ride services.
For contact details on taxi and private hire companies in your area, please see our Travel Safe Information page here.
Give us a call on our Freephone number 0800 464 0000 if you’d like more journey advice. We’re open 7am – 8pm daily.*
*Limited service on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.