Come and meet the Traveline Cymru team at a Freshers event!
13 September 2018Come and meet the Traveline Cymru team at a Freshers event!”
As school leavers prepare to fly the nest for this year’s university Freshers festivities, Traveline Cymru is touring Welsh universities to help keep students on the move.
This month, we will be making our way around universities in Wales to help new students get to grips with their surroundings in new towns and cities.
The team will be making appearances at over 20 colleges and universities across Wales throughout September; including Bangor, Cardiff, Aberystwyth and Swansea.
As new students adjust to life without their own transport, they will have access to a bespoke service known as myunijourney.
Filled with transport information and essential travel tips, the helpful online guide includes a journey planner from their local campus, bus stop information, student ticketing and news.
Emma Dunn, Marketing Manager at Traveline Cymru said:
“Starting university is one of the most exciting times of a young person’s life, but it can also be incredibly daunting to be away from home, especially in a brand-new town or city.
“We want to encourage students, both new and existing, to make the most out of the public transport services in their area, and we’re on hand to help them discover what options are available to them as they start to get their bearings.
“We’ll be attending universities across the country over the next few weeks, which is the perfect time for students to come and chat to us and find out all about myunijourney.”