Have your say on Cardiff’s Transport Strategy
10 January 2017Following Cabinet approval on Cardiff’s Transport Strategy, the Authority wants the public’s views on whether the strategy has been fully understood.
The short survey can be accessed bilingually through the following links - https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=148000232274 (English) or https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=148119156864 (Welsh).
Alternatively, a paper copy of the survey can be requested from travelplans@cardiff.gov.uk.
The strategy can be viewed at: http://www.keepingcardiffmoving.co.uk/transport-strategy
Responses should be submitted by 17th February 2017.
The strategy sets out the City Council’s priorities to encourage walking and cycling, improving public transport options and supporting the Welsh Government’s future development of a Metro system.
The new document is designed to explain the future of transport in Cardiff as it strives to become Europe’s Most Liveable Capital City.
It outlines the key projects and actions which the Council will undertake as it works to improve Cardiff’s transport network and encourage residents, commuters and visitors to move away from travelling by private car towards sustainable ways of getting around – by walking, cycling or public transport.
The transport priorities set out in this document include:
- The Welsh Government METRO Project
- Development of an on street tram system linked to the wider regional Metro network.
- Better bus routes and services both in Cardiff and on cross border routes
- Strategic cycle network
- Better management of the highway network
- Improvements to the train network
- The new bus Interchange at Central Square
- A new transport corridor through North West Cardiff
- Improving pedestrian routes
- Improving public transport infrastructure
- Improvements in park & ride
- Cardiff West Bus and Rail Interchange
- Environmentally friendly bus Improvements in technology.
To deliver these priorities, the Council will work with a range of partner organisations including developers, public transport operators, Cardiff’s business community, neighbouring local authorities, Welsh Government, the health sector and other key public bodies.
Cardiff continues to grow both in terms of the number of people that live here and the number of people commuting from outside the city to work. Since 2004 there has been a 10% increase in the daily commuter into Cardiff from neighbouring areas from 74,600 to 81,800. As the population continues to grow and more people travel to Cardiff for work, the City Council is committed to promoting and encouraging alternatives to the private car.
Source: Cardiff Council.