
Clean Air Day Wales

Join Clean Air Day Wales on Thursday 20th June

16 June 2019

There are lots of simple steps you can take to help improve air quality across Wales and beyond!

Thursday 20th June is Clean Air Day in Wales, which is funded by the Welsh government and forms part of the wider Clean Air Day campaign across the UK.

Air pollution encompasses all the pollutants that can be found in the air around us, but are mostly invisible to the naked eye. These pollutants can have a negative long and short effect on our bodies as they can be inhaled and absorbed. Sources of air pollution include energy generation, industry, open fires, agriculture and transport.

This is why we encourage our customers to ditch the car in favour of public transport, and also support initiatives that promote greener, cleaner travel. Making your everyday journeys by bus or train reduces the amount of cars on our road and, therefore, the amount of air pollution produced. Using our walking and cycling planner, you can also plan your journeys from A to B by bike or foot.


Making simple swaps to your lifestyle can help improve air quality and reduce levels of harmful air pollutants. This includes:

  • Ditching the car in favour of public transport
  • Walk, cycle or scoot your way to work or school
  • Make sure your boiler is services each year to help it burn fuel cleanly
  • Swap your aerosols for other alternatives
  • Stop air pollution building up in your house by opening windows
  • When walking, choose to travel along quieter streets.


How can I get involved?

  • Organised an awareness event at your school, university of place of work
  • Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #CleanAirDay and handle @cleanairdayuk
  • Download free resources (posters, leaflets, newsletters, emails) from the Clean Air Day website.


For more facts on air pollution, access to downloadable free resources, advice on protecting you and your family from air pollution and other useful pieces of information, head to the Clean Air Day website.

We’ll also be posting #CleanAirDay content on our social media accounts @TravelineCymru

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